
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Texas HB 1779 The Boogie Man!

HB 1779 The Boogie Man! In Texas??
As of 3/21/2013 there are combined 223,041 licensed cosmetologist and barbers in the state of Texas.
487 combined barber and cosmetologist schools. Combined total of 32,156 barber shop/salons.
I've attended several advisory board meetings and state board meetings when it was regulated by the state since 2000. I've called a trusted industry watch dog that understands Texas legislative law and processes and has been actively fighting for the industry since 1999 and if you have attended meetings you know who he is. Lol! The TDLR program knows who he is too.
Ask yourself Do you REALLY think TDLR is going to give up over a half a million in revenue generated by salons,barbershops,cosmetologist, and barbers a year?
Secondly could one think that over 487 schools that have invested over 1 million dollars to set up they're schools is going to just give that up? TDLR program is not going to face the lawsuits that will come as a result of untrained service providers by the consumer watchdogs.
Lastly if deregulation ever happens in the State of Texas paying consumers will go to trusted brands that are proven sound businesses. No more POOKIE DEM! #Thinkingaccurately

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that anyone who receives professional services in a salon would want unlicensed/untrained individuals performing those services. Maybe Mr.Schaefer would like a pedicure in a contaminated spa tub. I guess next we won't need a drivers licence and they will quit inspecting the elevators that we ride in. What a Dope!
